Dataset: Disability Living Allowance (Cases in Payment)

Field: Care award type


The DLA rate paid is made up of 2 components, a care component for people who have needed help with personal care for at least 3 months and are likely to go on needing that help for at least a further 6 months, and a mobility component for people who have had walking difficulties for at least 3 months and are likely to continue to have those difficulties for at least a further 6 months.

The care component is paid at three rates:


Care award type is grouped into 4 bands.

Applicable to: all claimants:

    - Highest rate

    - Middle rate

    - Lowest rate

    - Nil rate

Total number of categories: 4

NB: In the Disability Living Allowance (Cases in Payment) dataset, the care award type field has been adjusted to take into account DLA payment adjustments. Payment adjustments can take place to reflect changes to individual circumstances such as going into a hospital, care home or imprisonment.

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